Top Montessori Toys for 6-12 Months

top montessori toys for 6 12 months

Hey there! Want to know about the top Montessori toys for little ones between 6 and 12 months? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got all the information you need to choose the best toys for your baby’s development.

In our article, we’ll give you a comprehensive list of Montessori toys that are perfect for babies between 6 and 12 months old. These toys are designed to stimulate their senses, encourage their curiosity, and support their motor skills development. Whether you’re looking for toys that promote fine motor skills, sensory exploration, or cognitive development, we’ve got you covered. So, stay tuned and get ready to discover the best Montessori toys for your little one!

Top Montessori Toys for 6-12 Months

See the Top Montessori Toys for 6-12 Months in detail.


What are Montessori toys?

Montessori toys are educational playthings designed to promote a child’s development in a Montessori-style approach. These toys are specifically crafted to enhance various skills, including motor, cognitive, sensory, social, and emotional development. They are usually made of natural materials and encourage open-ended play, allowing children to explore and learn at their own pace.

Why are Montessori toys beneficial for infants?

Montessori toys are highly beneficial for infants as they support their developmental milestones and promote skills essential for growth. These toys encourage independent exploration, enhance motor skills, stimulate cognitive abilities, foster sensory awareness, and promote social and emotional development. By incorporating Montessori toys into their playtime, infants can experience holistic growth and development.

Developmental Milestones for 6-12 Month-Olds

Motor Skills

Between the ages of 6-12 months, infants experience significant progress in their motor skills. They start to develop better control over their body and are capable of various movements such as grasping, sitting, crawling, and even standing with support.

Cognitive Skills

Infants at this stage begin to display advanced cognitive abilities. They become more aware of their surroundings, and their problem-solving skills begin to emerge. They engage in activities that involve cause and effect, learn object permanence, and recognize patterns.

Sensory Development

Sensory development is crucial during this period as infants explore the world around them through their senses. They develop better hand-eye coordination, learn to distinguish different textures, and react to various sounds, tastes, and smells.

Social and Emotional Development

Infants also make progress in their social and emotional development during the 6-12 month period. They start to show attachment to caregivers, exhibit stranger anxiety, and may begin to imitate others’ actions. Toys that promote social interaction and emotional expression can greatly support this aspect of their development.

Criteria for Choosing Montessori Toys

When selecting Montessori toys for infants, several criteria should be considered to ensure their suitability and effectiveness:


The safety of the toy is of utmost importance. Montessori toys should be made of non-toxic materials, free from small parts that may pose choking hazards, and have smooth edges to prevent injury.


Montessori toys are intentionally designed to be simple, avoiding excessive distractions. They prioritize the child’s active engagement and creativity rather than passive entertainment.


Toys that promote independence allow infants to explore and manipulate objects on their own. These toys should be easily grasped and manipulated by small hands, encouraging the child to develop fine motor skills and foster a sense of autonomy.

Sensory Stimulation

Montessori toys should provide ample opportunities for sensory exploration. They should offer a variety of textures, visual stimulation, and auditory experiences to engage the child’s senses and stimulate their brain development.


Open-ended toys have no predefined play patterns and can be used in multiple ways. They encourage creativity, problem-solving, and imagination, promoting the child’s active engagement and exploration.

Montessori Toys for Motor Skills Development

Wooden grasping toys

Wooden grasping toys, such as simple ring or ball shapes, are perfect for enhancing an infant’s fine motor skills. These toys promote hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and grip strength as the child attempts to grab and hold onto them.

Stacking rings

Stacking rings help infants develop their hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. By placing the rings on a central rod, infants practice precision and learn about size and weight differences.

Object permanence box

An object permanence box is a classic Montessori toy that introduces young children to the concept of object permanence. Infants learn that objects continue to exist even if they are out of sight, as they grasp, drop, and retrieve toys placed inside the box.

Pull-along toys

Pull-along toys provide an exciting opportunity for infants to practice their newly acquired crawling or walking skills. By holding onto a string or handle, the child can move the toy along, enhancing their balance, coordination, and gross motor skills.

Montessori Toys for Cognitive Skills Development

Shape sorters

Shape sorters allow infants to explore shapes, colors, and improve their problem-solving abilities. By manipulating different shapes and fitting them into corresponding holes, infants learn about spatial concepts and develop their cognitive skills.

Nesting cups

Nesting cups promote cognitive development through size and color recognition, as well as stacking and nesting activities. Infants engage in visual discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving as they explore the different cups.

Puzzle balls

Puzzle balls with interlocking pieces can challenge infants’ problem-solving skills and encourage logical thinking. By manipulating these puzzles, infants learn about spatial relationships, patterns, and shapes.

Cause-and-effect toys

Toys that demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships, such as simple wind-up toys or pop-up toys, stimulate infants’ curiosity and cognitive development. They learn that their actions have consequences and develop an understanding of cause and effect.

Montessori Toys for Sensory Development

Soft fabric books

Soft fabric books with different textures and shapes engage infants’ tactile senses while promoting early literacy skills. Infants can explore the textures, listen to caregivers’ voices as they read aloud, and develop a love for books.

Texture exploration toys

Toys with various textures, including smooth, rough, soft, and bumpy surfaces, offer infants opportunities to explore different sensations. By touching and manipulating these toys, infants develop their sensory awareness and fine motor skills.

Busy boards

Busy boards are interactive play panels with switches, buttons, zippers, and other manipulative components. These toys offer infants a chance to practice hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and cause-and-effect relationships.

Sensory balls

Sensory balls with different colors, textures, and patterns are excellent for stimulating infants’ tactile senses. They encourage grabbing, squeezing, rolling, and exploring, enhancing hand-eye coordination and sensory development.

Montessori Toys for Social and Emotional Development

Dolls or stuffed animals

Dolls or stuffed animals provide companionship and comfort to infants, boosting their emotional development. These toys can promote nurturing behavior, imaginative play, and social interaction as infants engage in role-playing or use them for comfort.

Mirror toys

Mirrors are essential tools for infants to explore their own reflections and develop self-awareness. They also encourage social interaction, as infants may engage in babbling or smiling at their own image.

Musical instruments

Simple musical instruments, such as shakers or drums, introduce infants to the world of sound and rhythm. Infants can experiment with making different sounds and learn about cause and effect as they discover their ability to produce music.

Pretend play toys

Pretend play toys, such as miniature kitchen sets or tool sets, allow infants to engage in imaginative play. By mimicking adults’ behaviors, they develop social skills, enhance language acquisition, and foster creativity.

Benefits of Montessori Toys for 6-12 Month-Olds

Enhanced motor development

Montessori toys promote fine and gross motor skills development. By engaging with toys that require grasping, stacking, or manipulating objects, infants strengthen their hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and overall physical abilities.

Improved cognitive abilities

Playing with Montessori toys stimulates infants’ cognitive development. These toys encourage problem-solving, spatial awareness, shape recognition, and other cognitive skills that contribute to early brain development.

Heightened sensory awareness

Montessori toys provide sensory stimulation, allowing infants to explore different textures, sounds, and visual stimuli. This exposure enhances their sensory awareness and helps them make sense of the world around them.

Enhanced social and emotional skills

Toys that promote social interaction and emotional expression help infants develop their social and emotional skills. By engaging in pretend play, imitating adult behaviors, and forming bonds with dolls or stuffed animals, infants enhance their empathy, language skills, and ability to express emotions.

Discover more about the Top Montessori Toys for 6-12 Months.

Tips for Engaging with Montessori Toys

When introducing Montessori toys to infants, keep these tips in mind for an optimal playtime experience:

Observe and follow the child’s interests

Pay attention to the toys that capture your child’s attention and cater to their individual interests. This will ensure a more engaging and enjoyable playtime experience for them.

Encourage independent exploration

Allow infants to explore and manipulate the toys on their own. Resist the urge to intervene or direct their play, as this hinders their independence and inhibits their natural curiosity.

Rotate toys to maintain interest

To prevent toys from becoming stale, rotate them regularly. Introducing new toys or reintroducing previously used toys can reignite your child’s interest and provide fresh opportunities for learning and exploration.

Provide a prepared environment

Create a safe and prepared environment that allows for independent play. Arrange toys in an organized manner, considering the child’s developmental stage and interests. Provide open spaces for exploration and ensure that toys are easily accessible to promote autonomy.


Montessori toys offer numerous benefits for the development of 6-12-month-olds. By focusing on promoting independence, sensory stimulation, and skills development, these toys can greatly contribute to a child’s growth during this critical period. With safety, simplicity, and a child-centered approach in mind, Montessori toys create an enriching and engaging playtime experience for infants, empowering them to explore, discover, and learn in a nurturing environment. So, go ahead and choose Montessori toys that align with your child’s developmental needs and watch them thrive as they embark on their journey of learning and growth.

Learn more about the Top Montessori Toys for 6-12 Months here.